Planning in the Brain (In Press)
Marcelo G Mattar, Máté Lengyel
[Link]Experience replay supports non-local learning (2021)
Yunzhe Liu*, Marcelo G Mattar*, Timothy EJ Behrens, Nathaniel D Daw, Raymond J Dolan
*Equal contribution
[Link]The Temporal Dynamics of Opportunity Costs: A Normative Account of Cognitive Fatigue and Boredom (2021)
Mayank Agrawal, Marcelo G Mattar, Jonathan D Cohen, Nathaniel D Daw
Psychological Review
[Link]Learning differentially reorganizes brain activity and connectivity (2020)
Maxwell A Bertolero, Azeez Adebimpe, Ankit N Khambhati, Marcelo G Mattar, Daniel Romer, Sharon L Thompson-Schill, Danielle S Bassett
[Link]Patterns of Neural Oscillations in Emotional Memory Discrimination (2019)
Marcelo G Mattar, Deborah Talmi
[Link]Effective learning is accompanied by high-dimensional and efficient representations of neural activity (2019)
Evelyn Tang, Marcelo G Mattar, Chad Giusti, Sharon L Thompson-Schill, Danielle S Bassett
Nature Neuroscience
[Link]Reward prediction error does not explain movement selectivity in DMS-projecting dopamine neurons (2019)
Rachel S Lee, Marcelo G Mattar, Nathan F Parker, Ilana B Witten, Nathaniel D Daw
[Link]Prioritized memory access explains planning and hippocampal replay (2018)
Marcelo G Mattar, Nathaniel D Daw
Nature Neuroscience
[Link]Adaptation decorrelates shape representations (2018)
Marcelo G Mattar*, Maria Olkkonen*, Russell A Epstein, Geoffrey K Aguirre
Nature Communications
*Equal contribution
[Link]Individual differences in response precision correlate with adaptation bias (2018)
Marcelo G Mattar, Marie V Carter, Marc S Zebrowitz, Sharon L Thompson-Schill, and Geoffrey K Aguirre
Journal of Vision
[Link]The network architecture of value learning (2018)
Marcelo G Mattar, Sharon L Thompson-Schill, Danielle S Bassett
Network Neuroscience
[Link]Predicting future learning from baseline network architecture (2018)
Marcelo G Mattar, Nicholas F Wymbs, Andrew S Bock, Geoffrey K Aguirre, Scott T Grafton, Danielle S Bassett
[Link]Brain State Flexibility Accompanies Motor-Skill Acquisition (2018)
Pranav G Reddy, Marcelo G Mattar, Andrew C Murphy, Nicholas F Wymbs, Scott T Grafton, Theodore D Satterthwaite, Danielle S Bassett
[Link]Beyond modularity: Fine-scale mechanisms and rules for brain network reconfiguration (2017)
Ankit N Khambhati, Marcelo G Mattar, Nicholas F Wymbs, Scott T Grafton, Danielle S Bassett
[Link]A network neuroscience of human learning: Potential to inform quantitative theories of brain and behavior (2017)
Danielle S Bassett, Marcelo G Mattar
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
[Link]The Energy Landscape Underpinning Module Dynamics in the Human Brain Connectome (2017)
Arian Ashourvan, Shi Gu, Marcelo G Mattar, Jean M Vettel, Danielle S Bassett
[Link]Optimal trajectories of brain state transitions (2017)
Shi Gu, Richard F Betzel, Marcelo G Mattar, Matthew Cieslak, Philip R Delio, Scott T Grafton, Fabio Pasqualetti, Danielle S Bassett
[Link]Varying timescales of stimulus integration unite neural adaptation and prototype formation (2016)
Marcelo G Mattar*, David A Kahn*, Sharon L Thompson-Schill, Geoffrey K Aguirre
Current Biology
*Equal contribution
[Link]The flexible brain (2016)
Marcelo G Mattar*, Richard F Betzel*, Danielle S Bassett
*Equal contribution
[Link]Structural pathways supporting swift acquisition of new visuomotor skills (2016)
Ari E Kahn, Marcelo G Mattar, Jean M Vettel, Nicholas F Wymbs, Scott T Grafton, Danielle S Bassett
Cerebral Cortex
[Link]Functional network dynamics of the language system (2016)
Lucy R Chai, Marcelo G Mattar, Idan Asher Blank, Evelina Fedorenko, Danielle S Bassett
Cerebral Cortex
[Link]A functional cartography of cognitive systems (2015)
Marcelo G Mattar, Michael W Cole, Sharon L Thompson-Schill, Danielle S Bassett
PLoS computational biology
[Link]Simultaneous perceptual and response biases on sequential face attractiveness judgments (2015)
Teresa K Pegors*, Marcelo G Mattar*, Peter B Bryan, Russell A Epstein
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
*Equal contribution
[Link]RSVP in orbit: Identification of single and dual targets in motion (2012)
Brad Wyble, Mary C Potter, Marcelo G Mattar
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
[Link]de Bruijn cycles for neural decoding (2012)
Geoffrey K Aguirre, Marcelo G Mattar, Lucía Magis-Weinberg